How To Take Action – Turn Your Fear Into Fuel

By Perminus Wainaina

What is your biggest fear?

Are you afraid that you do not have what it takes to perform a task? Do you often shy away from new responsibilities at work because you don’t feel you are worthy? Are you afraid of speaking up in a meeting fearing what others will think? Or do you want to quit your job and start on your business but are scared of what the future holds?

Mercy had been working as a customer service representative for close to four years when she decided she wanted to pursue a career in a different field – one she was passionate about.

“I knew I wanted to make my side hustle stronger, and still look for employment in the communication sector – something I had always wanted to practice.”

She decided to apply for communication jobs, with the hopes of securing a job as soon as possible. However, every time she was invited for interviews, she never showed up.

“I know it sounds odd, but I was always second-guessing myself. I was afraid. How would I answer the interview questions? Would I be able to get the job done? I even convinced myself that since no one was forcing me out of this customer service role I had, there was really no reason for me to leave. Looking back, it was the fear of rejection and the unknown that held me back. Even though employers were seeing my potential, I was overcome by self-doubt.”

Truth is fear is a powerful feeling both at the workplace and in life. The fear of failure in Mercy’s case, for example, cost her career advancement goals.

Fear can keep you stagnated at your current position, or even keep you from getting your dream job.

However, you can use the fear you have to propel you towards your goals. Here’s how:

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Many of us strive to be comfortable. Letting go of that comfort zone can create real fear. You may worry that by stepping out and doing something you always wanted to do or reaching for more may put your comfort at risk. You may be putting your steady income or even your lifestyle, at risk.

However, if you allow your comfort zone to become a prison, it will always work against you, and not for you.

So how do you get out of it?

Think about the times when you took a chance and were successful. Remember how victory felt and how rewarding it was to achieve a goal. Was it a time you stepped out of your comfort zone?

Life is often best lived out of your comfort zone. Turning fear into excitement and anticipation is another way to use it as fuel towards your success.

Be optimistic

How you view life seeps into your head and creates fears and what if’s.

Rather than listening to your inner voice telling you, “You can’t”, ask yourself, “How can I?”.

Ask yourself “What’s the best way to…” as opposed to “You shouldn’t.”

Change “What if it doesn’t work?” to “Imagine how terrific it will be.”

Bring an attitude of positivity to how you view yourself and the world around you. You have control of what you take in and how you react. If you spend all your time focused on your troubles or your weaknesses, you’re never going to become great. Focus on what’s right with yourself and the world.

Instead of allowing negative thoughts to affect you emotionally to the point of indecision or inaction, put your logical brain to work in your favour.

This is turning fear into fuel.

Focus on your goals

Caroline (not her real name), always wanted to be the best in everything she did. From her time in school, to when she joined the job market, she always gave her best. However, she had an enemy pulling her away from success. An enemy that was stronger than any force –herself. This greatly affected her life and career.

Truth is, a lot of us are programmed to feel like we don’t deserve success, that we’re not worthy of financial stability. No matter how successful we become, this old fear follows us unless we turn our attention to our dreams. Rather than focusing on what others would say or listening to the self-doubt in your mind, you’ve got to focus on your goals and keep your eyes to the sky. That’s where you belong. You’ve got to feed your dreams and starve your fears.

Remember, if you want a better career, happiness, success or whatever you deem important, the secret is to do consistently those things that will bring you those results while consistently avoiding those things that will deny you what you are aiming for.

In Conclusion,

One of the best ways to use fear as fuel is to face it head-on. It’s not embarrassing to fear change or to enjoy your comfort zone.

But, if you don’t recognize its presence, fear can hold you back without you even knowing it. Turn those fears into empowering positive questions your logical brain can work upon. Practice on reaching out from your comfort zone and recognize and face your fears. It very well could fuel you to the next level.

Perminus Wainaina is the C.E.O and Managing Partner at Corporate Staffing Services, a leading HR consultancy firm based in Westlands. Through personalized career coaching he assists mid-level and senior professionals get solutions to complex and challenging career issues that they are facing. Click here for more on career coaching.


  1. Thi is great,i have today learnt something new are there books I can read to broden my knowledge on this?

  2. This is me being talked current situation.
    am in a contract position in a big company,have been given a job in a young/growing company but fearing of the future

  3. Wow, this is so encouraging. I must face my fears for me to move to the next level.
    Most of the times I fear even applying for Jobs. Especially those that are asking for a Degree and have done a diploma. This lowers my self esteem.
    But I will fight this spirit of Fear.

    Thank you for this powerful piece.

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