Customer Service Certificate Course – Get A Customer Service Job Fast. Next Class will be communicated

Master customer service skills course. Secured High-Paying Roles With Our Customer Service Certificate Course

Are you looking to enhance your career in customer service? Do you want to gain recognition for your expertise and stand out from the competition?

Miriam is a passionate professional who accidentally stumbled into customer service. Miriam started her career as a salesperson. Through a twist of events, she found herself in a customer service role and quickly discovered her love for it.

As Miriam delved deeper, she realized that having no formal certification was holding her back from reaching her full potential in this exciting career. Miriam understood that to excel and prove her expertise, she needed a customer service certification to back her skills. That’s when she decided to enroll in our Customer Service Certificate Course.

“I was impressed with the comprehensiveness of the course and the quality of the instructor. I learned a lot of new things, but more importantly, I gained the confidence to take my career to the next level. It’s a challenging but rewarding field, and I’m excited to see what the future holds,” Miriam said.

After completing the course, Miriam was promoted to a customer service manager position. She now leads a team of representatives and is responsible for developing and implementing new customer service initiatives.

Why Choose Our Customer Service Certificate Course?
  • Practical Techniques: You’ll participate in interactive exercises, role-plays, and case studies that simulate real-world customer service scenarios.
  • Get Well-paying Jobs: Secure high-paying positions that match your skills and expertise.
  • Boost Your Career: Get equipped with the skills and knowledge to rise through the ranks in the customer service industry.
  • Increase Customer Satisfaction: Satisfied customers are loyal customers, and your ability to enhance their experience will be a valuable asset to any business.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded professionals from industries such as the UN, Parastatals, Govt agencies, and leading NGOs.
  • Certifications: Upon completion, receive NITA-approved customer service certification providing you with the recognition you deserve.
>>> How I Got A Job After Customer Service Training. Watch Past Clients Testimonials
Upcoming Customer Service Training

Our upcoming customer service class offers flexibility with an online class via live Google Meet that runs for 5 days.

The next class will be communicated.

Your Investment

K’sh 6,500 only (USD 80 for those outside Kenya).

Payment is through Mpesa Buy Goods Till No. 5343171, or Bank Transfer, or Cheque Deposit.

Request For More Information

Join our Customer Service Certificate Course here today and gain the recognition you deserve. If you would like to have a conversation, you can either call or WhatsApp us on 0748 997 329 or visit our offices for a face-to-face inquiry.

You can become very isolated when working from home and you do lose an element of human interaction. I was happy with the flexible hours presented by the evening class. Because of its online nature, I was able to join from a different town in the comfort of my home – something I may never have been able to do if the program was not flexible enough. Thank you Corporate Staffing for doing thisJoseph. Call Centre Agent

Your Certificate

Our customer service certification training is certified by NITA. We are a NITA authorized training institution.

It’s been 2 weeks since the training. I edited my CV and included the training certificate. I have sent my CV to six employers and have received 2 interview invites already. The fact that it was also pocket-friendly enabled me to register as soon as I saw the upcoming training date – Adhiambo. Sales Admin Executive.

This is a very good course as it made me realize the important aspects of customer service beyond simply being knowledgeable about the products and services. I can confidently say that I learnt the importance of also paying attention to a potential customer. The trainer was also very approachable and personable. She shared personal experiences and really made an effort to engage with each person in the class – Jacqueline (Customer Service Rep)

FAQS – Frequently Asked Questions