Certified Training Of Trainers (TOT) Certificate Course – Next Class, 11th June 2024.

Complete training of trainers course. Empower yourself to design and deliver practical training that drives results.

Are you passionate about sharing your expertise but feel you’re missing the essential skills to captivate your audience, create engaging content, and leave a lasting impression?

A seasoned trainer, Alex felt his training sessions lacked the engagement and impact he desired. Despite possessing subject matter expertise, he lacked the necessary training skills to captivate his audience, create engaging content, and leave a lasting impression.

He realized that his training approach was outdated and ineffective in addressing the evolving needs of his learners. He was unsure of how to tailor his training approach to different learning styles, and he struggled to create training sessions that left a lasting impression.

Additionally, the absence of a formal TOT certification was a pain point for Alex. He recognized that certification would give him the credibility and expertise to stand out from the competition and attract more clients.

Alex’s story turned positive when he enrolled in our Train the Trainer course. He gained a fresh perspective on training design, adult learning principles, delivery, and evaluation. He learned to incorporate interactive elements, utilize technology effectively, and tailor his training approach to different learning styles. He also developed a deeper understanding of how to measure the impact of her training programs and demonstrate their value to the organization.

Watch Our Trainer Describe The TOT Course:
Why Study Our Train the Trainer Certification Course?
  • Practical Learning: Our course is not just theoretical – it’s hands-on, ensuring you can immediately apply your skills in a real-world training environment.
  • Personalized Feedback: Receive personalized feedback from seasoned trainers, helping you fine-tune your approach.
  • Networking: Join our class and establish professional networks with students coming from the Private Sector, UN, Parastatals, Govt agencies and leading NGO’s.
  • Certification: Receive a NITA Certified Certificate accredited by the government. We are NITA accredited trainers
  • Affordable fees. We accept installments.
Upcoming Training of Trainers Course in Kenya

Our upcoming TOT training course offers a flexible schedule with an online class via live zoom that runs for 8 days.

The next class will start on Tuesday, 11th June 2024 (7:00 pm to 9:00 pm).

Your Investment:

K’sh 15,000. Pay in one instalment and pay K’sh 15,000 only, or pay in two equal instalments of K’sh 10,000 each. (USD 120 for those outside Kenya).

Payment is through Mpesa Buy Goods Till No. 5343171, or Bank Transfer, or Cheque Deposit or PayPal.

Request For More Information. 

Would you like to know more about this upcoming TOT course online? Enroll in our Train the Trainer Certification Course today that will redefine your impact in the training arena! Call us at 0748 997 329, send us a message on WhatsApp or visit our offices for a face-to-face inquiry. 


During the train the trainer course, you will progress toward the attainment of the following objectives:

  • Identify the characteristics and the roles of an effective trainer
  • Understand the needs of research analysis prior to the training
  • Understand the difference between training and presentations
  • Understand the importance and types of learner’s engagement
  • Develop strategies for handling challenging participants and environments
  • Discern how to evaluate training especially in terms of application

“I took this TOT certificate course to review my own practice in presenting sessions within my work. The course really supported some aspects of my own style and gave me a lot more ideas and models on which to add to my presentation style. I would highly recommend this course to all presenters, trainers, etc. as both the content and trainer are exceptional and deliver in a way that really engages and makes you think about your own style of learning and presenting. The flexibility in terms of the delivery was also a plus for me, especially because at some point I had to travel for work. Thank you.Stephen (Project Manager)

I recently completed my first TOT training. It was an affordable and incredibly well designed and thoughtful process, with emphasis on the Learning Approach. The pre-assessment and pre-work had us prepared to “dig in” to the training materials and allowed the participants to make the most out of the time we had together to build our skills as trainersSharon (Training Coordinator)