How To Prepare for Career Growth Conversation

By Elizabeth Ndembei

We all remember a period when career advancement was all about moving up. Remember something that went like this: Well-performing employees will go ahead to climb the career ladder for big offices at the corner, higher pay, and titles.

Times have changed. Corporate environment has become flatter and now organizations pay more attention to partnerships and cross-functioning teams. The shift in corporate dynamics has made career management something that each should take charge of.

It’s very important to ensure that you have a conversation with your supervisor or boss preferably at the beginning of the year for all crucial career growth conversation. There is the need for one to manage their career growth as they desire.

4 tips how to prepare for a career growth conversation

1. Incorporate the 3 C’s of career development.

Yes, the 3 C’s! Context, congruence, and competencies are the three things you should work around when it comes to career growth conversations.

Context entails being aware of the organizational culture and being abreast of any communication your organization makes available to staff. Understands what’s required to get you ahead and who makes the decision and finally the context of how you should focus your efforts for the ultimate results.

Congruence encompasses understating the organizational goals and your personal career goals. Always ensure that your goals support those of the organization as this will show congruence and thus presenting a win-win situation.

Competencies ensure that you are able to leverage congruence and context aspects. You will need to possess high-impact career growth competencies. Competencies cover your ability to evaluate your skills and gaps as well as developmental opportunities. Leverage feedback and identify your preferences, strengths, values and interests.

2. Always document

Despite the thought of keeping a performance track journal might be weird, the truth is that your mind will not remember everything, details will be lost. Documenting your performance ensures that you capture all that which you have achieved.

Document challenges, new training you wish to pursue or difficult engagements you’ve experienced. The journal will guide that conversation you wish to have with your boss or supervisor and will explore how you approached your different situations or encounters and the best way to grow develop your different skills that were at play. Such a journal will ensure that you stay on track by covering that which will help in your career growth.

Read also: >>> Career Growth Tips: 5 Reasons Why You Should Leave Your Good Job For A greater One

3. Always Practice.

There is that confidence that comes with knowing that you are well prepared for an interview or a meeting. Meetings about career growth can be tricky and they give people so much tension. Making it an easy affair entails thinking about your goals, aspirations, and successes way in advance.

There is that confidence that comes with knowing that you are well prepared for an interview or a meeting. Meetings about career growth can be tricky and they give people so much tension. Making it an easy affair entails thinking about your goals, aspirations, and successes way in advance.

Address any questions about your future growth opportunities within the organization, are there any opportunities you eyeing? As you think about the future growth opportunities, assess your skills and strengths and the areas you feel you need improvement on. It’s also advised that you identify activities or projects that you would want to be involved in to grow your career while at the same time creating value for your organization.

Practice will help you be able to voice your ideas confidently and naturally.

Highly Recommended >>>3 Tell Tale Signs of Whether Your Job Offers Career Growth

4. state what growth means for your career

Remember that growth does not always mean promotion. Career growth entails building your credentials so that your clients, customers, and peers have higher confidence in your skills and ability and you are better placed to advance relationships with co-workers, bosses, and departments. Know exactly what success means for your career and define the responsibilities you taking to achieve career growth.
Explore your needs and think about that which you wish to accomplish, and have regular conversations with your supervisors or bosses about your career growth vision and make plans on how you plan to achieve them.

The writer is a Communications Officer at Corporate Staffing Services, a leading Recruitment firm that offers CV Writing, Job Placement & Career Advice.  Email: 


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