
Why Networking Is Not Working for You During Job Search & How to Fix It

Are you torn between building connections and carrying your own cross looking for a job? Does networking work or is it pointless?

It is said that you should strive to know people in your job search journey. But what if the same people promised you a job that ended up being unavailable?

The truth of the matter is, networking can be intimidating, frustrating and hard to do.

The reality is that networking is a key skill and professional coaches can help you be successful since it is a great way to get your foot in the door if you network the right way.

Have you been networking without any success?

Are you making any of these mistakes?

1. Waiting Too Long to Follow Up

How do you feel when you had a conversation with someone then you never hear from them again? How about when it takes so long for you to hear from them? Does it feel good?

Of course not and that is how people who you connect with feel when you take a long time to follow up. They may think you are not serious or you lack interest.

It is wise to follow up within 24 hours of the meeting and brief them on your conversation.

2. Not Keeping in Touch with Your Connections

Another mistake is reaching out to someone when you only need something.

It is good to nurture a network, even the times you don’t need it. You can do this by sharing articles you think may be of benefit to them or their company.


3. Talking Too Much About Yourself

Do not make the whole conversation about you alone. Do not focus on the favors or personal needs that need to be satisfied but focus on how you will benefit a specific company.

4. Failing to Actively Listen to Others

When networking, it is important to listen and waiting for your turn to speak. Show interest by asking questions that show that you need to take your career to the next level. This will make them take interest in continuing your professional relationship and they will guide you to make valuable career moves.

5. Not Getting to Know Anyone

Is it possible to create a network if you don’t connect with people you meet? It is not.

Ensure you end your conversation by asking the people if you could reach out to them later and give them your contact details. Leave a good impression for them to remember you. If you find a challenge handling this then you can book one-one coach interview session which will change how you approach the job search.  

6. Expecting to Get a Job Out of It

We understand that when we network, there is something good out of it but it is not always the case. Sometimes it takes time. As human beings, we are used to instant gratification. We want our job search problems to be solved immediately but we should not forget to trust the process. Don’t only ask for jobs but rather, ask how you could be of value to them.

7. Giving Off Bad Vibes

We understand the pain of sending thousands of applications without getting a job, leave alone being called for an interview. This may discourage you and even affect how your network. For you to convince someone to add you to their network, you should show that you are confident with a positive attitude, and you are happy.

8. Only Targeting Big Names

Do not only focus on the high-level executive. Anyone can be of help to you hence treat anyone with respect because you may never know how they will take.

9. Lying

It is not a good idea to cheat because networking is about building trust and when you begin networking with lies, you will lose a lot of opportunities.

Final Thoughts

It is essential to know how to network because it is useful for any professional. You get to know people in your industry who can be destiny changers when looking for a job. Do not forget that networking is about learning from others. Are you looking for networking opportunities? Start by signing up for short courses where you will meet professionals from various fields and industries, ultimately forming genuine connections that will help you grow.


  1. That is true Pauline, many people are looking for jobs, others are experiencing pay-cut, and others have been laid-off so it is tough time for most people. However, mantra should be, No giving up. Keep moving on till you achieve what you want. All the best Pauline.

  2. Hi, this is well said, however it has been so discouraging to search for a job during this corona Erra for its not bearing any fruits for some positions.
    Thank you for the info.

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