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Are You Ready For 2021? How To Prepare For Your Career In The New Year

By Perminus Wainaina

Jane was sure that 2020 was her year. It was to be the year that she wanted to change jobs and move up the ladder in her career. Then the COVID-19 pandemic happened. She saw her career world crash right in front of her eyes. In a matter of weeks, she went from having a job to becoming jobless – something that she never imagined would happen.

Since April when I lost my job, I have applied for numerous job opportunities. Although I am yet to get another job, I want to be prepared for 2021 and do everything I can to ensure that I am not in the same place come the new year,” she says.

It’s no secret that the world is rapidly changing. No industry has been spared in this.

As industries shift from short-term solutions to long-term strategic changes in the face of COVID-19, being quick is important to successful career development come 2021.

Whether you are applying for your first job, going for that promotion, returning after a career break, or retraining in a new field, you need to be prepared.

Here are top career tips that will let you enter 2021 with confidence, and be able to fulfill your career goals:

1. Update your CV

Did you know that when employers receive a CV, they spend less than a minute skimming through it? This is because they go through many CVs in a day.

With this in mind, your CV should be able to hold attention and give out relevant information right from the beginning. Think long and hard about what you want to be in your CV and how you want it to look. If in doubt, reach out to a CV writing professional for help. Having a clear and concise CV will help employers take in information more effectively.

Another important note is to make sure you tailor your CV to what you’re applying to. This demonstrates that you have done your research and know what skills they’re looking for. By addressing the criteria they have used to advertise, your potential employer will be able to tick the boxes against the job description, elevating your application above the rest.

Many companies now also use software to scan CVs and cover letters to check for the keywords they are looking for. If yours doesn’t have enough keywords in it, it may be rejected automatically before even being looked at. It’s best, then, to fit as many keywords, phrases, and skills from the job description as possible into your CV.

2. Have a strong online presence 

Everything is online, so why shouldn’t your CV be?

Get to know all the major job search and recruitment portals and upload your CV. You should also use social media platforms such as LinkedIn, for job search because these are the new platforms employers use to look for talent.

Be online wherever you can, to boost career opportunities.

3. Keep Learning

Ask any successful person you know the secret of success, and they will tell you they keep learning. That’s what you also need to do.

Make sure you are always learning new things and picking up new skills that will help in your personal and professional life. So, if you are looking for a job, pick up skills that will make you a wanted candidate. If you are working and are looking to move ahead or get a better job, pick skills that will make you eligible for a professional upgrade.

If you are looking for a promotion into a leadership position, for example, look at skills that you will need such as speaking confidently in meetings, and think of taking up a public speaking course that will boost your skills and offer certification.

Once you take these courses, remember to update them in your CV.

4. Put your network to good use 

You’ve likely been hearing the networking career tip that it’s not what you know, but who you know since the very beginning of your education and career.

No matter how qualified you are, it is people who do the hiring – and having a solid network of professional relationships will advance your successful career faster.

Put a word out for the jobs you are looking for. If you can help someone else professionally, do that as well. That’s how networking works and everyone involved benefits.

Leverage your LinkedIn network to stay on top of industry knowledge and take note of who’s talking about what. Thoughtfully send connection requests to people whose careers align with your goals. 

You can also take on mentorship and seek career mentors. A good mentor will ultimately help you better understand what makes a great leader in your industry. Conversely, being a mentor allows you to test your knowledge and exercise leadership skills. It also looks great on your CV.

5. Map your long-term goals

Where would you like to be in 10 years? Five years? One year? Knowing which direction you’d like to be going toward a successful career can help light the way.

For each length of time, imagine your dream career destination. Then, create a map moving backwards with each of the steps it would take to get there until you’ve reached where you currently are.

It’s good to revisit your goals at regular intervals as you make progress, and your direction matures. Set quarterly reminders for yourself in your calendar to take an hour to update your career maps and review your own career tips.

In Conclusion,

While 2020 has been a huge challenge for everyone across the world, this should not deter you from planning and preparing for a brighter new year. And investing in your career is always a wise move. The world economy is expected to start repairing in 2021, so it will definitely be the year for new jobs and career growth.

Perminus Wainaina is the C.E.O and Managing Partner at Corporate Staffing Services, a leading HR & Recruitment consultancy firm based in Westlands.


  1. Hello Perminus,
    Thank you so much for the nice nuggets you share with us daily in regards to job search. They come in handy at this time that opportunities are scarce.

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