What Is The Best Time To Find A New Job In Kenya?

By Caroline Macharia

In as much as there is no such thing as the perfect time to start a new job search, some timings are certainly better than others when you want to find a new job in Kenya.

Depending on your specific industry, hiring tends to slow down towards the end of the year mostly due to exhaustion of budgets especially for companies operating in a calendar year. This, however, does not mean that no hiring takes place.

So when is the best time to kick off your search for a new job in Kenya?

Here are some great times to kick off your new job search in Kenya.

1.The first quarter of the year

Bearing in mind that the holiday season in Kenya makes December a very slow month, smart private companies often take advantage of the slow period to come up with strategies for the New Year. This means that by the time we are getting to January, they have already evaluated the performance of the previous year and laid down strategies to improve performance in the following year. These strategies often include increased work hence the need to fill in the gap by hiring.

Many Kenyans also have a habit of making New Year resolutions which includes finding better jobs. Companies definitely kick up their recruitment in filling the positions left vacant.

Related>> The Secret To A Well-Paying Job In Kenya

2. Towards the end of the year

There is a common perception that the holiday time around December is the least likely to yield positive results in the job search. This is however not true.

If you apply for a job advertised in the month of December, chances are very high that you will encounter little competition as everyone else is busy enjoying the festivities. The hiring managers will also be in the holiday mood which makes it easier for you to impress them.

The holiday season brings a lot of people you would normally not see during the year for festivities. This makes it a great opportunity for you to network without the pressure of a competing busy schedule. Make the most out of it!

3. When you really don’t need a new job

The best time to really look for a new job is when you really don’t need one. Many Kenyans make the mistake of getting too comfortable in their current jobs which results in getting caught off guard in a sudden job loss. This has been the case especially with the major layoffs we saw earlier in the year in the aviation and banking sector.

Looking for a new job when you really don’t need one gives you sufficient time to re-think your career path, package yourself better and network effectively for the job you want.

Job searching when you really need one may lead you into accepting any job offer that comes your way without really thinking about how it contributes to your career goals.

4.When the industry you are interested in is healthy and hiring

It helps to research and find out how the industry you are interested in is performing. Now may not be the best time to engage yourself in an active job search for those in Kenya’s banking sector for example. If in your research you also find out that your dream employer has implemented a hiring freeze, you will be wasting your time pursuing a job there.

Doing a thorough research on the industry performance will save you from unforeseen layoffs when times get hard for a company or sector.

5. After you have come up with a clear career path

If you frequently find yourself ending up in jobs that you really don’t like, it is important that you first conduct a thorough evaluation of yourself and come up with a clear career path. Doing so will help get you out of taking up jobs that do not lead you towards achieving your career goals. Having a clear career path also helps you build a fulfilling career journey doing what you love, growing in it and get compensated fairly.

Sitting with a career coach is a great way to evaluate your strengths, discover your right career path and get guidance and mentorship in case you need to take up a new career path.

Read Also>>>How to find the perfect job for you

While on your journey towards finding your next great job, why not increase your chances of getting called for an interview with an impressive professionally written CV?

 Email cvwriting@corporatestaffing.co.ke


  1. Hi Vivian, ensure you keep checking our latest jobs section and apply for jobs you qualify for.
    Be sure to follow all instructions given on how to apply to avoid getting disqualified.

    All the best.

  2. you have very encouraging and motivating steps and words for looking a new job.Be blessed caroline for you inspiration.

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