Uncomfortable Situations At Work & How To Deal

By Selipha Kihagi

A normal day is riddled with uncomfortable situations at work; some good, others tolerable and others just plain out irritating. How we handle ourselves in the midst of these variables is what defines the type of person we are at the office. It is what makes others like us or hate us, and even others confused about who we truly are in character.

Recently a colleague brought up an issue about how awkward it felt every time she ran into a coworker in the restroom, because she didn’t know what to say to them. “What do you talk about?” she asked. You can’t begin saying hi since you are already past the morning greeting. This got me thinking about the many awkward and uncomfortable situations that people have to endure at work.

So, are you still avoiding uncomfortable situations at work because you don’t know how to handle them? Read on.

How You Can Handle Uncomfortable situations at work

1. When you take the same lift with your boss
If you work in a building that requires you to use the lift or elevator (whichever is common in use for you) to get to your office, you have probably thought of this scenario or found yourself in it. If you haven’t, try and envision it now. What conversation should you have? Do you talk personal or work issues?

Most times it is best to let the boss initiate a conversation, but if they don’t, you can always break the silence with small talk on the current weather situation, traffic or a highlight on the project you are working on. It might also help to silently pray that the lift does not fail with the two of you in it.

2. Meeting your coworker or boss in the restroom
Like my colleague, most of you must have experienced awkward moments in the restroom when you meet with a coworker. Especially the ones you are not free with. If it’s in the morning, you might say a quick hello, but what do you say next? Staying quiet only makes the situation more awkward because you keep wondering if you should say something, and if so, what.

Everyone needs to feel relaxed in the restroom, not pressured. So, to avoid awkwardness, you need to let go of the need to say something to coworkers. Understand that a simple hello and I like your new hair or love your shoes chitchat is alright. The right etiquette is to actually not say or do much; don’t start selling yourself for a promotion.

3. Bumping into your boss outdoors
Have you thought about how you would react if you ran into your boss in a night club or in a hotel when you’re having dinner or coffee with someone? I know of a lady who bent under the chair and pretended to attend to her shoe just to avoid being seen.

Unfortunately it didn’t work out well because after getting up to check if the coast was clear, her boss was standing at her table waiting for her to look up. To this day it remains her most embarrassing moment.

To avoid being uncomfortable in such a situation, make sure you say hello and engage in a small talk about your surroundings. Avoid talking work matters and remember to introduce the person you are with.

What is an awkward situation you have had to deal with at work? Share with us in the comments.