
Overcome The Fear Of Public Speaking With These 4 Tips!

Early last year, I was invited to give a speech to the finalists in an institution. It was my first speech to a large crowd and I made the mistake of saying yes. My heart raced at the thought of standing in front of people because I didn’t like when eyes were on me, and I didn’t want to be in the spotlight.

A few days beforehand, I had nightmares about how I was going to get my lines right and deliver a perfect presentation.

I took time to prepare the message but I failed to practice. I went to the auditorium and when I was delivering my speech, nothing seemed to have gone wrong until my friend who had accompanied me highlighted these comments after my speech.

“It seemed you had memorized your content and that is why you were nervous when you forgot some sentences. Next time, try to breathe, be natural and make use of your body language.”

I know it is a dream of everyone to be a fearless public speaker. We dream of confidently striding onto the stage, delivering a presentation, and winning the hearts of the audience through captivating stories and this can be achieved by enrolling in public speaking training.

But the reality is usually less than perfect. Often, the anxiety of standing in front of people usually takes over, forgetting some lines, and losing the audience.

Here are 4 ways to overcome the fear of speaking in public

1. Practice Your Speech In Front Of A Mirror

If you want to overcome stage fright, assume that you were speaking directly to someone and practice in front of the mirror.

If you have a gentle expression and a calm demeanor when you speak in front of the mirror, you will be more welcoming to your audience.

2. Record Yourself And Learn

Artists usually tape themselves to monitor their performance and watch later to see how they can improve in future.

To conquer the panic when addressing the crowd, it is essential to record your speech and identify what you can do better in your next presentation.

Use your phone or a video camera to record yourself when giving the talk then watch it later to know how you could make it better.

3. Take A Public Speaking Class

I have seen many professionals signing up for a speak-with-confidence course that has drastically improved their life, shaped how they structure a presentation and use different presentation aids.

A journey of a thousand miles to becoming a great speaker starts by taking the first step of signing up for the training where you will learn how to overcome nervousness and get comfortable speaking in public.

4. Get Someone To Assess Your Presentation

We sometimes get in our own heads about our delivery but it can be helpful to have someone who can be objective to give us feedback. Getting constructive feedback will help you visualize the areas that you need to improve on.

For example, I had a friend who observed how I was presenting and she gave me feedback on the areas that I needed to work on which made me a better speaker when I was presenting.


Public speaking is one of the greatest skills that every professional needs in their personal and professional life. For you to win the attention of the audience when presenting, consider developing your skills through this public speaking course.