
3 Benefits Of Interview Coaching

By Ruoro Kairu 

Interviewing for a job can be challenging, more so if you haven’t attended an interview in a while. If you’re attending an interview for a higher position than you currently hold, or are being interviewed in a competitive company, the process can be even more intimidating.

Panel interviews are also a common fear for most job seekers.

What can you do to increase your odds of getting the job after your interview? This is what Chris, who has an interview scheduled for next week, wanted to find out. Chris is sure he has the qualities the company is looking for. However, in the last three months, he has attended a number of interviews – each time receiving the same regret notice. Since he is sure of his skills, he was looking at what could be going wrong in the interview. When I suggested him having a mock interview coach with one of our interview coaches, he dismissed the idea. Chris did not see the need for an interview coach. In his own words, he thought his ‘experience and expertise would speak for themselves.’

Like Chris, you too may be thinking you do not need an interview coach, while it is the one factor holding you back.

To start us off, I would like us to examine who exactly needs the services of an interview coach.

You need an interview coach if;

  • You’re nervous before interviews. Having a mock interview and practicing with the coach will help you feel more prepared and comfortable for an interview.
  • You’ve been called to several interviews but you don’t get the job. An experienced interview coach will be able to address what the issue might be.
  • It’s been a while since your last interview. An interview coach will help you practice and rediscover skills you haven’t used for some time.
  • You’re about to interview for your dream job. If you’re about to be interviewed for a job you’ve desired for a long time, it would help if you put your best foot forward.

What are the benefits you’ll gain from an interview coaching session?

Having a mock interview session is making an investment in your career. Like any other investment, you need to see a return. Here are some of the benefits you’ll experience when you see an interview coach.

1. Calming your nerves

Even when you’re confident about your ability to perform at a certain job, the confidence could run out during the interview. You could find yourself suddenly sweating and worrying about the interview.

Mostly, you could get nervous when asked an unexpected question. You could also get nervous when an aspect of your background or experience is challenged.

With the help of an interview coach, you’ll be able to address even the most of random questions.

Quick Read>>> 3 simple tricks To Help You Ace A Panel Interview

2. Impressing the interviewer

One time, I experienced an interviewee who brought chocolate and flowers for the interviewer. What she did not understand, is such acts are not only unusual and highly frowned upon, they could also be perceived as a form of bribery.

How do you ‘wow’ the interviewer without the help of chocolate and flowers?

Impressing the interviewer is all about how well you communicate your ideas, how you articulate your points, understanding when to stop and when to add more information.

Additionally, you can create a memorable impression on the interviewer by knowing how to skillfully deflect a potential negative display of yourself. For example, how to tackle the lack of experience, missing credentials, or employment gaps.

Also Read>>Revealed! How To Prepare For A Last Minute Interview

3. Applying your skills beyond the interview

Interview skills are management strategies. Communicating your value surpasses the interview level. Imagine being able to impress your boss long after you got the job. With the right interview tips, you’ll be able to discover new skills and improve on the ones you already know about.

In a nutshell, the job search process goes beyond applying for jobs and looking up worrying unemployment numbers. It is also about the interview process. There’s a formula for having a great interview and our interview coaches can help.

Looking for an interview coach to help you ace your next interview? Click here for further details on our interview coaching service.

For any inquiries, call us at 0718-610023.