Job Interview Tips: How to Answer, What Do You Know About Us?

By Selipha Kihagi

You have received that call to the job interview and are probably doing your interview preparation. You go through the normal background research, rehearse common interview questions and believe you are ready. But then when you get to the interview room, you can’t seem to answer the question, what do you know about this company?

So, what went wrong? If nerves didn’t get the better part of you, then my guess is you did not prepare well for this question. Luckily for you, I am here to help you out on that. In order to give a good response when interviewers ask what you know about the company, you need to first understand why this question is important.

Why Interviewers Ask this Question

When interviewers ask this particular question, they are trying to evaluate your interest in the position and the extent to which you prepared for the interview. They need to know: Do you really want the job or did you just hit the Apply button or send in your CV because you could? Do you have any interest in working for that particular company or was it just a random job you came across?

Depending on the answer you give, recruiters will then determine if you are an ideal candidate or an absolute no. Employers will not work with someone who does not show interest in their company or who does not demonstrate their willingness to be resourceful. Employers expect you to do your due diligence in learning more about the position and the company hiring. So when your response shows that you didn’t take time to research, they will not be pleased.

What to Consider When Answering this Interview Question?

In order to give an impressive interview answer to this question, you need to have spent a lot of time on your company research. Visit their website and social media sites and scoop out all the information you can. Then write it down and differentiate the most important from the least important.

Focus on the products and services the company offers, its office culture, strengths of the business and any achievements the company has attained. These are the areas to concentrate on when formulating your answer. Why? You want to impress the interviewer by praising the company they stand for. And if you are interviewing directly with the employer, a little praise will be greatly appreciated.

To note though, if you do not know how to answer, don’t make up facts or tell the interviewer you know nothing. And if you find anything negative about the company, don’t bring it up unless you have an idea of how to solve the issue. No employer wants to be reminded about something negative in the media or that is now behind them.

Focus on giving an answer that praises the company, confirms you did your research and that shows how you can add value to the company. Don’t just point out what you read about the company and stop there. No. Go on to mention how your skills will align with the company.

Sample Answer to the Question, What Do You Know About Us?

“From my research on your company, I know you have been in operation for over 8 years now and your reputation is undeniable. I am particularly awed by your focus on maintaining great customer experience as you work to meet the ever-growing need of your products and services. Your customer centric approach is commendable and I believe that my great customer service skills will come a long way in contributing to this vision.”

With such an answer, an interviewer is able to learn several things about you. First, you did your research and know how long the company has operated. Second, you highlighted what you love about the company, making you a potential member of the team because you related to their vision. Third, you praised the company and reminded the employer that their image is still on the positive. And lastly, you matched your skills to the job in question. Why wouldn’t employers hire you after this?

Interview questions can be tough, but with a little help from professionals, you can be sure to impress. So get in touch with us for help in your next interview preparation.


  1. i once lost a job opportunity because i mentioned a negative media report about that company… rattled the interviewers badly and the interview ended prematurely.

    … i know what and what not to say

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