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10 Do’s And Don’ts After A Job Interview For You To Succeed.

As a job interview candidate, you go into an interview with 2 goals!

To impress the employer to hire you and to learn more about the job and the employer.

Employers use interviews to screen the candidates who would be the best fit for the position and culture of the company.

Truth is, fewer candidates understand what to do after an interview and how that impacts on their chances of getting the job.

Most candidates spend more time after the interview wondering when to reach out, whether to call or email.

A strong interview is a determining factor in getting a job. The more you spend time preparing for an interview, the more confident you will be and the better the results.

To ensure you put your best foot forward, here are 10 do’s and don’ts after the interview.


1. Send A Thank You Note

Send a thank-you note within 24 hours. Thanking the employer for taking the time to interview you goes a long way.

It is an important task to complete the post-interview process. In some industries, it is to send a handwritten thank you card.

Find the best way to send a thank-you note for example sending an email.

2. Assess Your Interview Performance

Recall the questions that you were asked, and how you answered them. Note down the things you didn’t say that you wish you had said.  This will help you identify the areas that you should focus on in future interviews.

3. Write Down Anything You Want to Remember

If there is something you would like to remember, then note it down. Write down the names of interviewers in the panel.

If you have been told about the dates of the second interview, then write down the dates.

4. Connect On Social Media Business Networking Sites

Check if you can connect with the interviewer by sending a request on social sites. This is an opportunity to grow your network and even if you end up in a different company, the network will help you know how you should prepare for an interview, learn more about other opportunities, and know the employer’s expectations during the interview.

5. Contact Your References

If the employer requests referees after the first interview, let them know that they might be contacted for them to know what to expect.


6. Don’t Stop Job Hunting

If you had great interviews, it doesn’t mean that you will get the job. Other candidates may have been better than you so continue looking for a job until you have the offer letter in your hands.

7. Don’t Annoy the Employer

Waiting for a response may take time and therefore it is not an opportunity to call the interviewer 10 times a day.

Bothering the employer with unnecessary emails a day in day out might land you on the ‘don’t hire’ list. Simple check-in after 1-2 weeks is fine.

8. Don’t Give Up

Just because you didn’t get a job doesn’t mean that you have lost or you are a failure. There are many opportunities hence after the interview, be ready to accept the results whether positive or negative, and prepare to move on.

9. Don’t Burn Any Bridges

If you don’t get it, do not insult the interview for not considering you. Accept the results and inform them to consider you in future opportunities.

The interviewer can be added to your network hence impressing them with how professionally you handle the results.

10. Do Not Lose Touch with The Employer

Have a good relationship with the employer and they will keep you in mind and refer you to other employers. Even if you don’t get the job, remember that the final decision was not made by one person.


The period after the interview is important because it provides an opportunity for you to present yourself professionally. It is a chance to elevate yourself and keep your name fresh in the minds of the interviewer. Taking the right steps after the interview shows that you are interested in the position.

Book this One-on-One Interview Coaching Session Today! And know what to do and what to avoid to increase your chances against other candidates.


  1. Thank you so much for these highlights. Actually, I’ve noted some that I haven’t been practicing and hope to get better after this piece.

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