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4 Ways To Modify Your CV Like A Professional CV Writer

Professional CV writers usually have the mindset of the employer when reviewing and writing your CV. If you want to edit your CV like a professional CV writer, you must develop a fresh mindset.

If this means taking breaks in between as you craft it before going back to write it, that is exactly what you will need to do. 

You may have spent so much time writing your CV that giving it an objective review may be hard for you. You, may also find it challenging to write your own CV because you may be busy or simply not know how to capture what the employer is looking for. 

To write your CV like a professional CV writer, have an open mind and think like the employer you are applying to.

Here is how you can write your CV like a professional CV writer:


1. Show What You Do Well

Identify the top five skill sets that your potential employer wants in the perfect candidate, which they’ve mentioned in the job description. Then, focus your CV on how you’ve achieved great things leveraging these skills.

For instance, if you are applying for a sales position, your focus should be on quota achievement, account penetration, prospecting, and closing techniques. Don’t sway from focusing on the core skills an employer wants.

2. Remove What’s Irrelevant

In most cases, an employer makes a decision of whether you are an appropriate candidate for a call back after reviewing your CV for only a few seconds. Rarely is every line on your CV read in its entirety. The more information on your CV that is relevant, the quicker the employer will come to the conclusion that you are a good candidate to call.

However, if your CV includes too much irrelevant information, you increase your chances of being dismissed. So, in the end, the less an employer finds irrelevant on your CV, the more impactful it is. You are better leaving off information that doesn’t offer much to an employer.

3. Don’t Be Afraid To Market Yourself

For your CV to have impact, you have to market yourself. Every aspect of what you put on your CV should sell. Take all of your experiences, skills, and capabilities, and position it in a manner to sell. The information on your CV should present itself in a manner that says, “This is what I have achieved before, and this is what I can do for you.”

For example, just because your job was to help shoppers while shopping does not mean that is the information you put on your CV. You can make it more marketable by indicating how your customer service skills helped maintain customer satisfaction, resulting in returning customers. While at it, make sure you use numbers to quantify your work experience. 

4. Look Out For Common Mistakes

Minor mistakes such as spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors are avoidable. However, many CVs that are not carefully proofread contain such mistakes that are cause for dismissal by the employer.

Of all the reasons for your CV to be dismissed, don’t let these easy fixes be one of them. Ask a friend or family member to give it a review. You need another pair of eyes or at the very least, a fresh pair of eyes. Remove yourself from your CV for some time before giving it a good review. When you stare at a CV too long, it makes it harder to detect and edit mistakes.

Reviewing and editing your CV like a professional CV writer can make a significant impact. It is often the difference between actually securing interview opportunities for jobs and spending valuable time continuously searching and applying for new opportunities to only receive no response in return.

Need more help with your CV? Get a FREE CV review from professional CV writers!


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