5 Top Professions That Will leave You Hating Your Job

By Selipha Kihagi

We all want to be in jobs that either meet our passions, have a great salary and benefits package, vacation time or flexible hours and even maybe all these things in one. Most Kenyans are definitely not there yet and that’s partly why you will find almost everyone complaining about going back to work on Monday. We have become a country that lives and works for the weekend. But even as this is true, there are those who seem to be on vacation from Monday through to Sunday; they have great jobs.

These people are usually in professions that pay them good money every month, pay for their travel (and their families) across the country and international, pay for their meals and drinks on the weekend, provide insurance cover for their households and even let them work half day on Fridays. If this is not a perfect dream job for everyone, then I am clueless on what is.

So, which professions are these and what benefits exactly are we talking about?

Professions That Make You Want To Go Back To School

1. Medicine
This one is obviously at the very top and has been since anyone can remember. It is one of the professions that parents forced their kids to pursue so they would become rich and become respectable in their villages and society. Well, if you took this advice with a hard heart and didn’t think you had the passion, you can lean back and watch as those who pursued the profession enjoy their money.

Entry level position for the medicine profession starts at lowest, KSh 40,000. This is an amount that people in administration and sales may be required to have at least 2 years experience. Different specializations pay better than others, but still, you can never go wrong with medicine, especially with the world changing to accommodate unhealthy living. Medicine will always be lucrative.

2. Pilots
You thought becoming a pilot was super complicated and being in the air is super scary? Well, too bad for you. Any pilot you have met is confirmation that there is money, a good lifestyle and constant vacations or off days. Pilots work depending on their flight schedules and get to enjoy moving between destinations and staying in beautiful hotels and countries.

The other better part of being a pilot; the money is insanely great and by great I mean you can easily earn at least 100K (and this is the lowest) after 2 years of study. Did I say that right? Oh yes, I did…2 years of flying school and you are smiling your way to the bank.

3. Data Scientists/ Analysts
This profession is gaining prestige and popularity as technology tries to take over. Instead of Kenyans thinking of the normal professions, a peek at Data Analyst related jobs to understand may be what you need. At entry level, a Data Analyst can expect to earn between 45K and 60K. If the position is with prestigious organizations or NGOs, your pay is even more appealing.

4. IT profession
If you are in IT and you have not started smiling at your bank account or the flexibility that is involved, then there is something you are not doing right or a course you are missing. Technology is the present and the future. And while it is threatening most jobs, every solution and equipment needs someone behind it and that’s where IT comes in. From developing, implementation and maintenance, IT professions are needed at every stage and in every small and big organization.

So if you studied IT, it’s time you take seriously the certifications needed to become valuable because IT is getting wider and better.

5. Politics
Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on who you ask, politics have joined the professions to pursue and it would be unfair not to list it. You can decide to take up a Political Science or political related course but you will definitely be surpassed by those who are not really into school.

Being a politician is very lucrative, you get to enjoy a huge salary – which you can bring a motion to increase anytime you want – , take fully paid vacations with your family and friends, enjoy crazy allowances and claim mileage every weekend even when you did not change locations.

The above mentioned are just but a few, professions that are related to Social Media and Marketing are also becoming popular and lucrative. So is financial management, investments fields, and insurance.

Did I leave out a profession that you think is lucrative? Share in the comments section.


  1. i think you should add marketing.
    you need to keep up with current trends and market changes to stay on top of the game.

  2. Comment: air traffic control. I realised, these pple u rarely meet on the streets, are the ones who walk to the bank smiling!

  3. you are wrong on this one the field does not matter what matters is your passion for the job

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