Unforgivable Sins Of Job Searching & What To Do About Them

Can I commit a sin that God cannot forgive?

This question is usually asked by christians and it is as common as muck.

Do you think the sins you commit during your job search are forgiven by your potential employers?

If you are in the market looking for a new job but you struggle to find job leads or getting interviews, then you must be committing one of these job hunting sins.

If your job search has been full of ups and downs without any success, then you should review your strategies and consult interview coaches to give you the right direction.

Here are 10 sins you should avoid in your job search.

1. Not Having a Job-Search Strategy.

A good job-search should have a plan, a vision, and a strategy.

Issues to address should be jobs you want to apply to, employers that match your values, and tactics for a successful job search. The more developed the strategy, the more successful you will be.

2. Too Little Time Spent On Job-Hunting.

If you are seriously looking for a job, then you must spend a lot of time researching, networking, preparing for interviews, and following up with prospective employers.

3. Not Maximizing All Aspects of Networking.

The majority of new hires come from a networking situation, not from job boards or other job-search techniques hence, as a job seeker, you should spend more time creating new network contacts and talking with current network contacts.

Maximize face-to-face networking techniques and online social networking sites.

5. Problems with Your CV.

The typical problems with CV are lack of focus, untruthful information, or unquantified, accomplishments. Networking is the cornerstone to job leads, but having a professional CV is pivotal to obtaining interviews. Find CV help and ensure it is tailored to fit your industry.

6. Lack of Clear Positioning, Branding, Digital Presence.

If you can’t concisely discuss who you are and what you want, how do you expect an employer to figure it out?

Develop your elevator speech and develop a professional profile on LinkedIn.

7. Not Keeping Current with Skills, And Emerging Technologies.

There are new and emerging technologies so what happens if you stop learning? You will ultimately be left behind.

Professional development is essential in all career fields. Enrolling in training and short courses helps you stay current in your field and is also a great method of meeting new people and networking.

8. Aiming Too High or Too Low.

You will waste your time, energy, and resources if you apply for jobs that are too far below you. Apply for jobs that you meet 80% of the requirements.

9. Poor Job Interviews Preparation.

If your networking skills and CV have gotten you to an interview, thumbs up! Now focus on researching the organization and prepare for an interview. If you have had trouble with previous interviews, conduct mock interviews and other practice techniques to get you ready for the big day.

10. Little or No Follow-Up.

Some employers may contact you for interview others may be too busy. After the interview, follow up with a thank you note and also follow up on the status of the position later as this shows your interest.

Final Thoughts

The most important aspect of a good job-search is having a strong network, well-written CV, and effective interview preparation and delivery. Avoid the above mistakes as they may derail you from succeeding in your job search.


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