Do You Possess A “Growth” or ‘Fixed” Mindset & Why It Matters. 

By Perminus Wainaina

I was reminded of the statement below during a career coaching session by one of my clients. Sometimes the teacher does learn from the student.

The statement goes something like this ‘The view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life’. 

This lead me to research more on the topic of self belief and how it impacts on our potential and ability to deliver.

What we think of ourselves and how we see our own potential shapes how successful we’ll be.

The mindset that we’re in makes all the difference between seeing the glass half full or half empty.

The concept of the “growth mindset” versus the “fixed mindset” was made famous by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck in her book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.

The book is based on her many years of research into how changing our beliefs (even the smallest ones) can completely change our lives.

A fixed mindset assumes that everything about you (your intelligence, creative abilities, etc.) is fixed and can’t be changed no matter how much you want to. when you have this type of mindset you’ll do anything to avoid failure and you’re so focused on appearing smart/knowledgeable.

You’ll avoid challenges, question yourself frequently and therefore give up easily.

Many people that are insecure have this mindset (and everyone including myself faces such moments). As a result of these insecurities and this mindset, you’ll plateau early on, rarely reaching your full potential be it in your career or personal life.

A growth mindset, on the other hand, is the opposite of this. You gladly accept challenges, are eager to learn, and never give up.

You are completely focused on personal growth and continuous improvement.

As a result, you’ll end up achieving much more in life.

These mindsets form in us from an early age and affect our personal and professional relationships, our attitude towards failure, and ultimately our happiness

So, how do you go about developing a growth mindset. 

1st: Realize that you are responsible for your life yourself. Responsibility = “Response-able” which is the ability to freely choose your response to whatever happens.
Become aware of the fact that you are often being driven by circumstances and/or the will or behavior of other people. 

Creation (= everything that you “do”, small or big) is a two step process: Before you act (= second step), there is always an idea, a thought or an impulse that initially drives you to act (= first step).

Very often you are even unaware of this first step and it is mostly created by the social mirror (e.g.: You buy a jeans (=second step). Because you have seen this jeans in a TV commercial and think others will find you more attractive when you wear it (= first step). 

Once you are aware of that, you can begin to focus on responsibility and become your own director.

2nd: Focus on being proactive. Pro activity in this case means being the agent of your own needs, wishes, desires, dreams and visions. It means that your circle of  influence is your tool to model your reality. Focus on what you can influence directly or indirectly, accept and don’t think much about what is really outside your circle of influence. 

So, instead of complaining about given and un-changeable circumstances, save all your energy for what you can change.

3rd: The problem is not the problem but your perspective on the problem. Almost every problem or obstacle in life can be seen as a challenge. A challenge that forces
you to grow, develop mental or physical strength, be creative and find new ways. Very often you will even detect something new about yourself that might change your path in the future.

Two Marcus Aurelius quotes perfectly point at the essence of this:

Our life is what our thoughts make it.”

“You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”

4th: You can only improve if you are experiencing something new (even the littlest things). The new can only be found in what is not known. That which is not known
only comes through change. Thus, change always bears the opportunity to improve and grow. Therefore, welcome change.

When you adopt a growth mindset you will be able to face and overcome obstacles at a personal and professional level and ultimately GROW. 

Perminus Wainaina is the C.E.O and Managing Partner at Corporate Staffing Services, a leading HR consultancy firm based in Westlands. Through personalized career coaching he assists mid level and senior professionals get solutions to complex and challenging career issues that they are facing. Click here for more on career coaching