
7 Things to Avoid During Job Search

Have you ever realized that looking for a job is also a job by itself?

Job searching is a tough experience as it is not always easy to find a new job. It can be a challenging process even for even, well-qualified candidates.

To make your job search a little easier, here is what you should avoid doing:

1. Limit Your Job Search

Never limit your search by only applying for positions that meet your exact qualifications. Have an open mind because you may not know exactly what the job entails until you are called for an interview. Having a diverse mind increases your chances of getting feedback and interviews. Be flexible and the more you are, the more you expand your chances of landing a job.

2. Searching for Jobs Only Via Online

Make use of various platforms that are available and do not limit yourself to online. Be proactive and make use of both online and offline platforms, that is networking and using physical approaches.  Meeting potential employers in person shows a lot of seriousness. Take time to do follow-up on the applications you submit as this can help you secure an interview.


3. Contradict Yourself

During a job search, you will meet various interviewers. It is therefore important ensure that your information is consistent. Telling one interviewer one thing and another a different thing will make you lose your chances of getting a job. Ensure that what you say about your work history when you discuss with potential employers matches up with what is on the CV to avoid suspicion. Double-check employment dates and responsibilities to ensure that you recall every detail.

4. Insult Your Former Employer

In case your previous employment was hectic, do not mention it. Never talk negatively about your former employer as this will lead to your disqualification and your potential employer may also think you will talk negatively about him or her.

5. Show Your Desperation

Being unemployed can lead to stress because you may not know how you are going to satisfy your needs. This however should not make you look for sympathy from the employers. Employers want to know how you are going to benefit their organization and not how you are going to benefit from their organization. Try to convince employers to believe that you want this job because it’s a good opportunity and you can be an asset to the company, not because you need to get money to pay your bills.

6. Give Up

Job searching is not easy and giving up should be the last resort. Be patient since patience is a virtue and it pays. Sometimes, it is not easy to stay positive and focused after sending many job applications without success. Have a positive mindset and believe that one of the fine days things will work out well. Remember that the little things you do can have a positive impact on your job search.

7. Send a Generic Message to Every Employer

Seen an opening in a certain company? Great, if you meet the qualifications then do your research and send your application. However, do not send the same CV and cover letter when applying for different positions. Try to update your CV to match the job description.


There are a lot of things during job search but ensure that you avoid the above mistakes for you to make a good impression to your potential employers and you can easily land on a new job.


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