3 Hidden Reasons Why You Fail At What You Do

By Lisa Osiako

I’m not depressed, but I have realized that I fail every time I try anything, or try to achieve something – everything I desire, I don’t get. What am I doing wrong?

Do you find yourself in a similar situation?

Why do you fail at everything?

I found myself in a similar situation a few years back, when a friend told me that I always quit. At first, it bothered me because this never occurred to me. I later realized that what I had been told was true. I stopped doing certain things because I didn’t see any other way to do them. For example, whatever I was working on required funding. If the funding ran out, I placed the project on hold. I simply quit and let it go. I would then question why I was failing. 

We live in a world where success is glorified, while failure is looked down upon. Usually, if you have failed, there must be something wrong with you.

Truth is, failure is a normal part of life, and we have all failed at something in our lives. However, failing at one thing does not mean that your entire life is one big failure. The only true failure in life is when you stop trying.

So why do you find yourself always at the failing side?

Here’s why:

1. You Are Not Taking Responsibility

Yes, life can be unfair. But if you want to fix any problem in your life, you have to be willing to own it. It can be quite tempting to blame others or the world for your problems. However, this mindset will not get you anywhere.

If you don’t take responsibility for what happens to you, you will continue to fail.

Start by taking ownership of every action and decision you make. If you do this, you will start thriving.

Silence the negative thoughts to ensure you have more mental space to think thoughts that will empower you into success.

Keep in mind that for you to fix the problems in your life, you must have power over them.

2. You Don’t Believe in Yourself Enough

The most mind-blowing achievements would never have transpired without the belief that they were possible.

During the INEOS 1:59 Challenge last year, Eliud Kipchoge believed that he would do what no human had done before him. Even when some people did not believe he would be able to run a marathon in under two hours, he started by believing in himself. In the end, he did it and proved not only to the world but himself, that indeed, no human is limited.

If you don’t believe in yourself, you will only sabotage your efforts and continue to come up short.

Today, choose to believe in yourself a little more.

3. You Give up Too Quickly

Every day, there are people in this world who do the impossible. Have you ever wondered why this happens? It’s because they don’t give up, even when they are faced with opposition from all corners.

You will fail. That’s a guarantee. All that matters is how you react when you do. The next time you feel like giving up, think about why you started in the first place.

Commit, and even when you can’t find a way to do it, create a way. This way, you will turn every failure into an opportunity for growth.

As the cliché goes, nothing worth having comes easy.

In Conclusion,

If you’ve ever asked yourself, “Why do I fail at everything?” reflect on the above reasons.

The only person that is standing in the way of your success is you. If you want to be successful, you have to get comfortable with failure.

Even more, you have to seek out failure because this is where you will find life’s greatest lessons. Extract those lessons and use your pain as motivation.

You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. It may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it. – Maya Angelou

Are you ready to rise above your failures and step into your power?


  1. Very helpful and encouraging. I’ve been going through this for a long time. Thanks for the advice.

  2. this has really helped .it has come at the right time and the advice is a little boost of motivation i needed thanks

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