Got Years of Experience but no Interviews? Here’s Why!

As an experienced professional, networking is always your best bet at getting new jobs or changing professions. It helps to meet and know hiring managers, employers and top influencers in your industry. They make the job hunt less complex as they are able to refer you to positions that you match qualifications for.

Unfortunately, not everyone has mastered the art of networking and has to rely solely on traditional applications. This is the process whereby you search for open positions on different job boards and scan for the one you can apply for. In such a situation, your CV becomes the only thing recruiters can use to determine your suitability.

So if it is not well done, if your experience does not match the one required, and if a recruiter can’t tell head or tail about your previous work, you won’t get the interview. It will not matter how experienced you are if your experience is not clear.

Reasons your CV is Not Getting You Interviews Despite Your Experience

Having the experience required to apply for a position is not enough to get you hired in the job. It is also not enough to guarantee you the interview. If no one is calling to invite you for an interview for positions you really want and believe you are qualified for, you could be failing at one or all of these things. 

1. The recruiter couldn’t tell why you applied

When you have several years of experience, it becomes hard to prioritize. You may include all your previous roles in chronological order but still not appear qualified. You may have the number of years required for the position but no relevant experience is visible.

At such a point, the recruiter or potential employer is doubtful about your qualifications for the role. This is especially so when applying for supervisory and managerial positions. For instance, if you are applying to become a project manager, your experience managing a project should be visible. If it’s a Site Supervisor role, you need to show that you have supervised a team.

Don’t expect that a recruiter will automatically assume this from your job title. They understand that most job titles are just that, job titles. They don’t necessarily translate to having performed the roles’ duties and responsibilities.

 2. Your experience does not match that of the job

The most important factor in any job application is the experience of the candidate. Employers want to know what you have done before so they can predict what you can do. They want to understand your professional background by just looking at your CV. And they don’t want to be bored.

In short, we are talking about a brief document showing your most relevant experience in the clearest way. While you understand every role included in the job description, if your CV does not show that you have that specific experience, then your application will be null and void.

So, it is not enough to have your previous jobs listed on the CV, they need to match the experience required.

3. Your application made you appear rude

Experienced professionals are huge victims of this particular mistake. Instead of applying for a job as you should and wait for the interview stage to learn more about the job, you include all your demands on the CV. The result? An insulted recruiter or employer who wants nothing to do with your application or to even have you in an interview room.

Putting your demands on the CV also shows that you never did any research on the company before applying. When you conduct background research, you are able to know if the company is a good fit or not before submitting your application.

So, while wanting to work for a company that values people and the environment is a good thing, you don’t have to demand it on the CV. You also don’t need to demand a reply from recruiters when you attach your CV. 

The person looking at your CV is human like you and me, treat them like you would want to be treated.

4. You used a sloppy document

Those grammatical errors, confusing use of font sizes and font styles, the wrong arrangement of details in your CV and a document that won’t open makes you look sloppy. You may have these mistakes because you attached the CV in a hurry or because you haven’t looked at your CV in a long time. But it is no excuse to have a sloppy document.

Take your time when making edits to your CV and ensure it is as professional as your years of experience.

5. The salary information on your CV was off putting

You know why most people wait to talk salary at the interview? It’s because the salary is a big deal breaker for employers. If you are earning too high, the employer worries they may not be able to afford you or keep you for long in the company. And if you are earning too low, it begs the questions about how good you are at your job, what roles you handled and how engaging your work was.

Some employers or recruiters may still invite you to talk more about this in the interview, but in most cases, they will move on to the next candidate.

In the End…

Theoretically, you have all the experience required to excel in a position. But practically, you may appear not qualified if your CV does not tell the story you are telling in your mind. While getting a job in Kenya is tough for fresh graduates, it’s even tougher for experienced job seekers that don’t go beyond traditional applications.

Consider approaching the decision makers in your industry or in the company you’d like to work for. Invite them to coffee and connect with them on LinkedIn. Establishing these connections will help keep you in mind whenever they come across a position matching your experience.

Also, tailor your CV today to ensure you get that job. And if you can’t do it yourself, consult a professional for assistance. They know what to prioritize, what to leave out and what achievements to highlight.

Would you like advice or assistance with your CV? Contact our CV writing department through or 


  1. Good afternoon,
    Kindly advice me on what is more required in my cv since i have applied for many jobs but no feedback or even interviews, i also hope that you still have my cv with you.
    Corporate Staffing

  2. Hello,

    Thank you for your valuable feedback.

    It would seem that the message this article intended to convey was taken out of context. It is not that “you need to know people” in order to get a job in Kenya. What this article intended to convey is that submitting your CV to recruiters isn’t always enough to land you that dream job.

    It also adds great value to actively use the networks you have in your job search. Consider establishing strong networks and building rapports with hiring managers and decision-makers in your industry. This can be through LinkedIn where you get to meet recruiters, attending industry events where you might find potential employers or hiring managers, or reaching out directly through email.

    After establishing a connection, ask about what employers today are looking for and what requirements are needed to get hired in a particular position. This will add more value instead of over-relying on traditional job applications to companies and waiting for feedback.

    Corporate Staffing Services

  3. I Concur Josephat. Its easier to walk yourself in an organization and represent yourself for an opportunity. The Agencies are biased …exp. the leading ones..they misrepresent Job seekers because they have a set mind. You don’t need to know anyone to get a job. You need your skills and profession because an employer needs professionals to work for them not friends..

  4. Regrettably this is the truth. I once attended an interview with corporate staffing at West land and i hated everything about recruitment agencies. You can only get a job with them with a good referral as stipulated above. While taking the interview i could hear someone calling saying the opportunity i had promised you has come , are you available. I was promised a call for the second interview but unluckily due to the obvious reason of ‘WHO YOU KNOW’ to date 3 years down the line I’ve never heard from them. I thought its always prudent to send regret email to candidates who doesn’t make it in the interview. Anyway God referred me elsewhere and i got a better job than the one i was being interviewed for. For those who have made it through recruitment firm without payments thank God.

  5. It is so unfortunate we have entrenched and legalized ” You know who ” style to employ . In fact that article has confirmed my worst fears about employers having a predetermined candidate for their advertised job. In fact this has marked my last attempt using corporate staff in looking for a job. I knew all along that I was doing everything right and may be employers were just toying with our minds . Imagine applying for a job here for the last 5 years. I am done. Need no more assurance that I will survive any Kenyan employer because of their circumvented corrupt minds.

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